CAD Design Topics Headline Animator


Arc-Length Measurements in Solidworks

While sketching in Solidworks, we may want to actually specify the length of the arc instead of point to point length, or arc center to end point. here is a great little method that I think is under used...and not very well known.
The AMSE, ISO symbol is:

1. Sketch an arc of any verity..just not a closed circle.

2. open you smart dimensions eather on the tool bar, or by hitting the "S" key (cool short cut!). Using the ctrl key click on both points, then select the arc it's self.

Be careful as not have to many dimensions on your sketch, the arc length is a live value and will over define your sketch if you have dimensions fully defining the geometry prior. If you just want to take a quick measurement fo the arc length...use the measure tool.

Here is a quick video on the topic

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