CAD Design Topics Headline Animator


Unequally Disposed Profile Tolerance in Solidworks

The new ASME 2009 gives us the option to communicate a profile tolerance that can have an unequal value. This is communicated with "U" in a circle. For definition and information, please refer to para, and figures 3-11 and 8.1-8.3 in the ASME Y14.5 2009 standard (see below).

Solidworks 2011 will have this function available, but for those who are using an earlier version will need to do a little work around.

First we will need to edit a dimension or create a dimension we can delete later. In the dimension text editor navigate to the "more" button and select the circle alpha flag not "U". The editor will populate a code snippet . Copy (ctl c) that code. Navigate to the GD&T function and choose the profile symbol, insert (ctl-v) the code into the tolerance area of the feature control frame properties. It helps to put a space before and after the tolerance values. That's it!

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